Does the Pope: Does putin intend to go to war with Ukraine?
“Does putin intend to go to war with Ukraine?”, asks Owen Matthews (contributing editor and former moscow and Istanbul Bureau Chief for Newsweek) on the...
russia is trying to sow panic as Ukraine introduces martial law
Ukrainian users of social networks are being exposed to thousands of shared posts, initially launched by russian trolls to destabilize the country, sow panic, discord,...
Oschadbank wins $ 1.3 billion from russia
The Oschadbank state bank has won in the International Arbitration Court a USD 1.3 billion compensation of losses caused by the Crimea annexation from the...
russia ordered escalation in the Black Sea
The General staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has intercepted and published on its YouTube channel radio communication between russia’s Navy headquarters and russian ships during...
russian propaganda “shoots to kill” and AP is handing the bullets
“Training kids to kill at Ukrainian nationalist camp” – the name of yet another article by Yuras Karmanau who lives in Minsk but often writes...
Who and why invites us to defend the right to create “crucified boys” in Ukraine?
At the very beginning of russia's war against Ukraine, one of the russian TV channels showed a story in which they told that the Ukrainian...
Can ‘Ukraine-plus’ Brexit deal solve Theresa May’s problems?
For all the debate, uproar and resignations over the draft Withdrawal Agreement between the UK and EU, it’s worth remembering that the future EU-UK trade deal has...
From AP to WP: Naftogaz, Disinformation?, “Western” Media
“Angry Ukrainians took to the streets and blocked roads Tuesday as hundreds of thousands remain without heating at a time when temperatures are plunging because...