Binding the hands of the defending state could only provide a few years of tranquility at the expense of Ukraine – Kyslytsya
Statement by Ambassador Sergiy Sergíy Kyslytsya, Permanent Representative of Ukraine at the UN Security Council meeting on “Maintenance of peace and security of Ukraine”. Madam...
Israel declared UN Secretary-General António Guterres persona non grata
Israel declared UN Secretary General António Guterres persona non grata and banned him from entering the country. The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,...
Head of UN monitoring mission on Ukrainian POWs in russia: The worst thing I saw in my 20-year career, 95% were tortured
The way russia treats Ukrainian prisoners, the head of the UN Monitoring Mission on Human Rights in Ukraine, Danielle Bell, called the "worst" she has...
UN committee recognized forcing russian citizenship on Crimea’s residents as violation of human rights – Ombudsman
Imposing citizenship of the russian Federation on residents of the temporarily occupied Crimea is discrimination on the basis of nationality and violates human rights, the...
“Colonial rhetoric”. Term ‘russophobia’ used to justify moscow’s war crimes, historian tells UN security council
The term “russophobia” is an attempt to justify the russian Federation’s war crimes in Ukraine, Timothy Snyder, Professor of History at Yale University, pointed out...
UN keeps humiliating itself, calls on Ukraine to de-escalate russian aggression
United Nations human rights chief Volker Turk called on russia and Ukraine (sic) to take "immediate steps to de-escalate" the war. [su_pullquote]Read also: Israeli UN...
Kyslytsya: russian missile terrorism – important element of genocidal policy pursued by moscow
russian missile terrorism that Ukraine is subjected to on a daily basis is an important element of the genocidal policy pursued by moscow, the Permanent...
Israeli UN Ambassador: Guterres is not fit to lead UN
The UN Secretary-General António Guterres, who shows understanding for the campaign of mass murder of children, women, and the elderly, is not fit to lead...
“Genocidal logic.” Fear of imminent defeat prompts putin to senseless cruelty – Ukraine in UN Security Council
The russian leader vladimir putin is afraid of an imminent defeat in Ukraine and this drives him to senseless cruelty, Serhii Dvornyk, adviser to the...