MEPs condemn russia’s systematic falsification of historical arguments to justify its war against Ukraine
In a resolution adopted on Thursday, MEPs [members of the European Parliament - UT] condemn the russian regime’s systematic falsification of historical arguments to justify...
How kremlin pushes its “russian world” using cinema The episode "Cinema" from the series "The Big russian Lies" by tells about the cinema as a platform for promoting the political interests...
How russia rewrites history in its favor to advance its political interests The first episode of the "Big russian Lies" series shows how russia has been using history as a propagandistic tool to advance its political...
Peter Doroshenko, director of the Ukrainian museum in New York: russian culture is built on Ukrainian bone
russian culture is built on Ukrainian artists or artists with Ukrainian roots. This was stated in an interview with by Peter Doroshenko, a well-known...
TIFF wanted to show the propaganda film “russians at War” so much that it was forced to schedule it even after the festival had officially ended
The Toronto International Film Festival [TIFF] will show the russian propaganda film "russians at War" after the festival has officially ended. [su_pullquote]Read also: TIFF cowardly...
TIFF cowardly pauses screenings of “russians at War” propaganda film until “it is safe to do so”, remains committed to screening it
Effectively immediately, TIFF is forced to pause the upcoming screenings of "russians at War" on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday as we have been made aware of significant...
TIFF said that the film “russians at War” is not propaganda because they don’t think it was made with the participation of russian agencies
In our view, in no way should this film be considered russian propaganda because in our understanding it was made without the knowledge or participation...
People protested in Toronto to demand the removal of the russian propaganda film “russians at War” from TIFF
The festival [Toronto International Film Festival - UT] must not provide a platform for whitewashing the crimes of russian soldiers in Ukraine. Their place is on...
Results of investigation on Nord Stream pipeline sabotage will not be made public because it is better to have “war in Ukraine” than “war in Europe” – Gonchar
Earlier I noted that the "Ukrainian trace" in the explosion of the Nord Streams is an attempt by certain circles to show that the US, Europe,...