russian occupiers call to snitch on Ukrainians who commemorate the victims of the Holodomor – Center of National Resistance
On the eve of the day of commemoration of the victims of the Holodomor, caused by the inhumane policy of the russian occupiers in the...
Six scenarios how russians kidnap Ukrainian children
russia uses at least six scenarios to kidnap Ukrainian children, Daria Gerasimchuk, the Ukrainian children's ombudsperson, said during the "russia's War On Children" conference in...
russians killed 512 and injured 1,158 Ukrainian children – Commissioner for Human Rights
Ukrainian children study war history not from books but from their own experiences. And their view of the war is no longer childish, Ukrainian Human...
Kyslytsya: russian missile terrorism – important element of genocidal policy pursued by moscow
russian missile terrorism that Ukraine is subjected to on a daily basis is an important element of the genocidal policy pursued by moscow, the Permanent...
russia is not only committing a genocidal crime but doing so openly and brazenly – Atwood
Texan Christopher Atwood has been researching the politics of post-Soviet countries for years and recently narrowed his focus on the issue of russia’s genocide against...
“Genocidal logic.” Fear of imminent defeat prompts putin to senseless cruelty – Ukraine in UN Security Council
The russian leader vladimir putin is afraid of an imminent defeat in Ukraine and this drives him to senseless cruelty, Serhii Dvornyk, adviser to the...
Ombudsman on “not seeing genocide in Ukraine”: UN should visit settlements liberated by Ukrainian soldiers
The UN International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine, which "did not come to the conclusion that genocide is taking place in Ukraine," should visit recently...
“MH17. We remember.” russia surpassed al-Qaeda and ISIS – Poroshenko
We already knew in 2014 that putin's russia is not only a state that finances terrorism, but also a terrorist state, the fifth President of...
Belarusian Paralympian helps kidnap Ukrainian children to Belarus – National Resistance Center
The occupiers continue to steal Ukrainian minors from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, reported. [su_pullquote]Read also: ruscists could have kidnapped 200-300 thousand Ukrainian...