Thousands march in Kyiv, Guardian reports whatever, AP spreads russian propaganda

“Thousands march in Kyiv to oppose east Ukraine peace plan,” this could have been the title of the article in the Guardian about the protest in Ukraine’s capital to oppose capitulation to putin’s wish-list and it still would be inaccurate. But it wasn’t, at least not at first, just enough time to spread this russian narrative all over the world. But the AP and, notoriously famous for covering Ukraine according to russian propaganda narrative, Yuras Karmanau went even further, but we will talk about him a little later.
So, “Far right and Nationalist march in Kyiv to oppose east Ukraine peace plan”. Where should we start? The picture says it all, I give you that. Middle-aged women at the front, some nerds here and there, and a pinch of old guys – it does indeed looks like a “far-right march” just about anywhere on Earth.
But after the Guardian seemingly fixed the title [it still remained obnoxiously inaccurate], the article as far from the truth as it probably was designed to be. So let’s just dive in, without any further ado – “Thousands of people have joined a march through Kyiv led by nationalist parties and veterans associations to protest against changes to a peace plan for east Ukraine that they have called a “capitulation” to russia.”
I have been writing this times and times again and apparently more times will follow. If you don’t know Ukraine, don’t embarrass yourself writing about it. In fact, it is no secret that so-called nationalist parties [which in Ukraine are nothing more than russian paid stooges, not unlike in other parts of Europe, to be fair] were joining thousands of people and veterans on that day and not the other way round. In fact, they were joining for this exact reason, to let russian propaganda say that they somehow “lead” the protest when they were clearly many times outnumbered by ordinary citizens.
And it is common knowledge in Ukraine, no investigative journalism is needed to recognize the fact unless you are trying to push the kremlin propaganda that is. The support of so-called nationalist parties are so low in Ukraine, they are not even got the chance to elect their representatives into the parliament. And this march is just another reason why nobody really believes them. The same reason why the first proposed title of the Guardian article is pure nonsense. But let’s see what’s the problem with the second one. Hmm… “Thousands march in Kyiv to oppose east Ukraine peace plan”. Interesting point of view. But why? People don’t want peace? Want to die in the war with the arguably second or third best army in the world? Hmm… Let’s leave russia aside for a moment, not unlike the Guardian tries to, while writing that Ukraine is six years into the war with “russian-backed separatists in east Ukraine.” Even after all the information that was presented through all these years. Well, 20 bucks is always 20 bucks.
I guess, I should mention several other “inaccuracies” like: “The former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko has also opposed the plan, which would amend the stalled Minsk agreement negotiated under his presidency.” Another lie, because this plan is not going to amend anything. There is no ceasefire whatsoever and russians are not even saying they are going to withdraw their military personnel or weaponry from the Ukrainian territory. And I am not even talking about the fact that according to the Minsk agreement the front line should be much further to the East. Apart from that, we can read here other common disinformation narratives that can be easily spotted in namely Ukrainian and russian media.
But let’s get back to Yuras Karmanau, he takes no prisoners with his interpretation of what was happening. According to his delusions, thousands of far-right and nationalist activists marched through Kyiv. Well, the pictures he chose for his graphomania were much better selected to deceive the reader, I have to agree. But it is a lie nevertheless. Merely hundreds of far-right russian-controlled “nationalists” were present on this protest and they were clearly outnumbered by ordinary citizens. This can be easily understood from the numerous photos and videos available online. But, you will not read about that in his disinformation piece.
He continues to manipulate further, of course, using the well-trodden soviet practices, like supposedly asking 68-old woman, a former arms factory worker who cleans houses to supplement her $125 monthly pension, for a commentary. What a convenient coincidence – old woman, former arms factory worker, a small pension, and a necessity to clean houses. How he was able to spot her amidst the march of thousands of far-right nationalists? Good thing she was clearly opposing all “those nationalists” she was marching with.
Ahhh, all those old soviet tricks, it does take you back… Once only on the pages of Komsomolskaya Pravda, but today they have conquered the AP and many other western media.