Deportation of Ukrainian children by russians amount to war crime – OSCE mission report

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The mission concluded that the practice of the forcible transfer or deportation of Ukrainian children may amount to a crime against humanity, according to the report.

The mission found that practices of non-consensual evacuations, transfers and prolonged displacement of Ukrainian children constitute violations of IHL, and in certain cases amount to grave breaches of the Geneva Convention IV (GCIV) and war crimes, the report said.

The mission also found that non-justified prolonged stay or unfounded logistical hurdles violate the duty to facilitate reunification and contravene the principles embodied within the GCIV.

Further, the mission is of the opinion that russia’s relocalization of Ukrainian children to the temporarily occupied territories or russian territory, combined with the belligerent powers, disregard the duty to establish compulsory mechanisms under the GCIV to track these children, to communicate their whereabouts and facilitate their repatriation or reunification with their families, is a violation of the Geneva Conventions (GCs) that exacerbates the gravity of other violations.

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