Students want lecturer at the University of Alberta fired after calling Holodomor a ‘myth’

A controversial post shared on the Facebook page of an assistant lecturer at the University of Alberta Dougal MacDonald, claiming the Holodomor genocide is a “myth,” has sparked calls for him to be fired.
The Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union is calling on the University of Alberta to “immediately terminate and censure Assistant Lecturer Dougal MacDonald for anti-Ukrainian hate speech, Holodomor denial as well as libel and defamation of a community and a former chancellor.
“Anything less will tarnish the impeccable reputation of the University of Alberta and embolden other bigots and genocide deniers,” the statement says.
The Holodomor is a recognized genocide by the Parliament of Canada and most legislatures in Canada, including Alberta, as well as countless other countries and international government organizations around the world.
The imposed famine in Soviet Ukraine was orchestrated by the Joseph Stalin regime in 1932 and 1933. Ten-million Ukranians died.