Don’t Fund War. Ukrainians launch website to boycott Western companies that invest in russia

Ukrainians studying at Stanford and Massachusetts universities created the Don’t Fund War website, which will help boycott Western companies investing in the russian economy. The new project collects information on European and American companies that do not want to leave the russian market.
Thr companies receive rating depending on the status of activities in russia:
Digging In – companies defying demands for exit/reduction of activities.
Buying Time – companies postponing future planned investment, development, marketing while continuing business.
Scaling Back – companies scaling back some business operations while continuing others.
Suspension – companies temporarily curtailing operations while keeping return options open.
Withdrawal – companies completely halting russian business/exiting russia.
The list is not complete – users of the site are invited to add the companies by providing information about the work of businesses and measures that could affect the decision of management to cease operations in russia.
The founders of Don’t Fund War also suggest tagging companies that continue to operate in russia on social media and urging them to stop their business in the aggressor country using the hashtags #Leaverussia and DontFundWar.