Ukraine and Stellar to develop virtual assets ecosystem
![virtual assets](/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/cryptocurrency-1024x768.jpg)
The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and the Stellar Development Foundation (SDF) signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation, within which they will work on the development of a strategy for virtual assets in Ukraine.
Under the Memorandum, the Ministry of Digital Transformation and SDF will work to develop a modern virtual asset market infrastructure and enhance Ukraine’s status as an innovative digital country in the financial market in Eastern Europe.
The memorandum outlines the core focus of the partnership as follows:
- cooperation on the development of the virtual assets market in Ukraine;
- provision of support to projects related to virtual assets;
- implementation and regulation of stablecoin circulation in Ukraine; and,
- facilitation of the development of the digital currency of the Central Bank in Ukraine.
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