Investigative reporter filed a complaint against the BBC

John Sweeney, a BBC investigative reporter, accused the broadcasting corporation of pulling the plug on politically sensitive reports with connection to russia.
“I am writing to you as a reluctant whistle-blower to ask for a thorough investigation into BBC News and Current Affairs in regard to, firstly, a number of films relating to the far-right, russia and Brexit that were not broadcast, secondly, films that were broadcast but were improperly compromised and, thirdly, a number of senior journalists who have been allowed to compromise BBC editorial values by taking financial inducements or benefits in kind,” – writes Sweeney to the UK’s communications regulator OfCom.
According to him, BBC management, led by Director-General Tony Hall, has become so risk-averse in the face of threats from the far-right and the russian state and its proxies that due impartiality is being undermined and investigative journalism is being endangered.
“My particular concern is the ability of the russian state and its proxies to cramp the BBC’s journalism when it investigates what the kremlin & Co are up to. You cannot make a series of Panoramas on Vladimir putin and Donald Trump without seeing the evidence of the russian state and its proxies interfering with democratic politics around the world,” – says Sweeney.