EU Bank launches new program to strengthen the agri-food sector

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The European Investment Bank [EIB] has launched the Agri-Food Value Chain Project, which is backed by a loan of up to EUR 400m from the EU bank, along with donor-backed technical assistance, in order to support small and medium-sized enterprises [SMEs] and mid-caps in Ukraine, reports.

The program is intended to help Ukraine benefit from the opportunities offered by the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area [DCFTA] established under the Association Agreement with the European Union [EU].

The EIB funds will provide long-term finance to support productive investments by SMEs and mid-caps, as well as public service providers, along the entire value chain. Potential beneficiaries, therefore, include input suppliers, farmers, processors, and storage and logistics operators, as well as testing laboratories, research and education institutions and extension services that contribute to the functioning of the target value chains.

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